Healing, Hope and Triumph
Sean Swarner is a philanthropist, an author, and keynote speaker. He is a two-time terminal-cancer survivor who has dedicated his life to helping others reach their full potential.
Sean created CancerClimber with his brother in 2001, a nonprofit organization that pays for travels with cancer survivor to climb Mount Kilimanjaro. Sean's passion for climbing and adventure blossomed after his first climb to the top of Everest. Since then, he has climbed all seven summits, and skied to both the North and South Poles, making him the first cancer survivor to complete the Explorers Grand Slam. From executives of Fortune 500 companies, such as IBM, to students at Willard High School and NFL players on the New York Giants, his countless leadership panels, inspirational keynotes, and book series 7 Summits to Success, have inspired and won the hearts of millions to redefine their own impossible.
Sean's history and achievements create an ability to relate with anyone dreaming of goals, motivation and ultimately personal and/or corporate success. Sean has taken individuals and corporations around the world from lethargy to purposeful, intrinsic motivation and self-reliance. Working with Sean and developing exclusive relationships with clients, a value-based, custom-designed program and experience for success is formulated.
Sean's unique presentation style transports you on a tremendous experience from Midwestern North American teen to adventure hero. Embedding lessons and tips throughout his relatable journey, you are taken on an adventure of conflict, climax, resolution, and completion of a lofty goal. What Sean struggles through and learns along the way, he shares in great detail, bringing you with him on every step. From crawling six feet from the hospital bed to the bathroom, to climbing to the top of the world, Sean shares how to accomplish near impossible feats with real-life applications. Discovering personal intrinsic inspiration creates a lifetime of motivation. Everyone in life and in work must decide to take their first step toward accomplishing their goals, and Sean undoubtedly helps you find and develop the courage on your personal path to lasting success.
Sean's achievements:
Climbing feats: Mt. Everest / Highest mountains in Africa, Europe, Antarctica, South America, North America, and Australia.
Running feats: Hawaii Ironman Championship / Boston and NYC Marathon
Author of 3 books: Keep Climbing / Being Unstoppable / Kilimanjaro: Into the Self
President / CEO of Swarner Expeditions / Co-founder of The CancerClimber Association / Executive board member of Fight Cancer Global
Speaker: Sean Swarner