Nawuemovement - Extended Body
To attend this workshop it is required to attend Introduction to Nawuemovement class first, where you learn basic elements that we will develop here.
1. Strong & wild: Transitioning Beast, Loaded Beast, and Ape.
2. Dynamic flexibility: Wave Unload, Scorpion Reach, Front Step
3. Play: Lateral traveling Ape
4. Flow: Sequence of the learned movements
5. Relaxation and Closure
Nahuel’s workshops at the Wellbe Festival are mainly focused on flows and specially designed for:
- People who want to connect and develop their physical capacities in a conscious and integrative way, with or without experience in physical exercise.
- Professionals in movement and similar fields who are looking for innovative techniques to add another perspective to their work.
Workshop lasts 1 hour.
By: Nahuel Menéndez